I was very young, my mother bought for her six children a set of Collier’s
Junior Classics from a door-to-door salesman. It must have taken my parents
quite some time to pay it off, but that ten-volume collection of stories, myths,
and poems planted a seed that I have been nurturing ever since. There were
books of Fairy Tales and Fables from around the world, Stories of Wonder and Magic,
Hero Tales, Stories From History, and many other tales and legends to fascinate young minds.
book was a different color, each leather-bound, illustrated, and filled with
the wonder that words can weave. I don’t know whatever became of the books, but
nearly fifty years later I bought a set of them on e-bay. Today they’re among
my most prized collections. I think it was in those tales and poems that I
first was drawn to the alluring rhythm of words. In the budding imagination of
a kid in the Bronx, Lydia Maria Child’s lines from “Thanksgiving Day” with
their attendant lilt must have offered a rustic vision:
Over the river and through
the wood,
grandfather’s house we go;
horse knows the way
carry the sleigh
the white and drifted snow.
And the opening lines of Henry
Wadsworth Longfellow’s “Hiawatha’s Childhood” enchanted me with their exotic sounds:
By the shores of Gitche
the shining Big-Sea-Water,
the wigwam of Nokomis,
of the moon, Nokomis.
A little later, I recall
falling under the spell of Robert Louis Stevenson’s poem “The Land of
Counterpane,” which fed my imagination with its simple metaphors and
conditioned my ear with its sinuous rhythms and orderly rhymes:
When I was sick and lay
had two pillows at my head,
all my toys beside me lay,
keep me happy all the day.
And sometimes for an hour or so
I watched my
leaden soldiers go,
With different
uniforms and drills,
Among the
bed-clothes, through the hills;
And sometimes sent
my ships in fleets
All up and down
among the sheets;
Or brought my
trees and houses out,
And planted cities
all about.
I was the giant
great and still
That sits upon the
And sees before
him, dale and plain,
The pleasant land of counterpane.
At about this time,
an intoxication of rhythm and rhyme came to possess me in our family ritual
called "Stage" when gathered at our cousins' house on Hermany Avenue
in Castle Hill. With Nana and our parents sitting front row and center, we'd each
take a turn "entertaining" the audience with a dance, a song, silly
gyrations, or a goofy act worthy of "Ted Mack's Amateur Hour." Cousin
Artie, who charmed the audience with his voice and guitar, always garnered the
most applause. The rest of us were his opening acts. He still performs
today in his 60s as "Party Artie." My act was always the same, yet
ever-changing in its litany of rhymes. Years before "The Name Game"
was to dazzle the nation, I'd take the stage and chant a string of nonsense
rhymes along the lines of "Santa Claus was a turkey, and the turkey's name
was Burky, and the burky's name was Furky, and the furky's name was Hurky, and
the . . . ," and so on and on in what was to me an endless incantation of
mesmerizing rhythm and sound. The audience had to applaud to get me off the
stage. I would bow with a relish and take my seat in the audience, awaiting the
next act.
But it all began with that set of books. I didn’t know it then,
but sprawled upon the floor amid that cornucopia of books, I was becoming
attuned to the wonders of the imagination and to the sounds and cadences of
language that lift the soul and captivate and move me still. Fortunately, my
rhyming repertoire has expanded beyond my "Stage" act, though Cousin
Artie still draws a larger crowd.